
BHWPA regulates and manages recreational activities for its members. Hiking and related activities will be available to start, with others under future consideration.


Hiking is available to members. The Benton Hill Wilderness contains an extensive trail network especially ideal for hiking. Trails traverse various terrain including forested uplands, brooks and wetlands, and calciferous rock cliffs and a central canyon. The west ridge provides outstanding vistas of the Taconic mountains. Springs dot the main entrance trail. Stone walls from the prior days of livestock grazing stand silently in the now regenerating forest. Springtime brings the babble of water in the forest; summer brings leafy shade and mosquitos; autumn leaves dapple the forest floor; and winter brings deep drifts of snow.

Skiing and Snowshoeing

Skiing and snowshoeing are available to members. The trail network and open forest of Benton Hill are ideal terrain for winter activities. The plateau-like profile of the mountain itself provides long level runs combined with occasional elevation changes.


Camping at Benton Hill is not currently available to members. BHWPA is in the process of evaluating camping activity for the future and will provide an update to members of any changes.


Hunting at Benton Hill is not available to members. BHWPA is in the process of evaluating hunting activity for the future and will provide an update to members of any changes. Those interested in hunting on BHWPA lands should contact us to discuss their backgrounds and abilities to help assist the BHWPA in evaluating ecologically sustainable hunting practices.


ATV’ing at Benton Hill is not available to members. BHWPA is in the process of evaluating a limited ATV activity for the future and will provide an update to members of any changes. Those interested in ATV’ing on BHWPA lands should contact us to discuss their backgrounds and abilities to help assist the BHWPA to evaluate ecologically sustainable ATV practices.

Mountain Biking

Mountain biking at Benton Hill is not available to members while we evaluate and assess trails and their ability to host bikers. Many trail areas traverse fragile wetlands and areas that host endangered species. Those interested in mountain biking on BHWPA lands should contact us to discuss their backgrounds and abilities to help assist the BHWPA to evaluate ecologically sustainable mountain biking practices.