Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Benton Hill Wilderness Preserve open to the public?

No. The Benton Hill Wilderness Preserve is owned in its entirety by private landowners and is under lease to the BHWPA. Land under lease to the BHWPA is subject to the access requirements and restrictions of the BHWPA. Members of the public who are not members of the BHWPA who enter BHWPA land without authorization will be trespassing on private property, which is a criminal offense in Massachusetts punishable by up to 30 days in prison. Trespassers may also be subject to civil actions. Land in the Benton Hill Wilderness that is not leased to the BHWPA is subject to whatever restrictions those private landowners place upon it. BHWPA leased land is clearly and conspicuously posted throughout, so please be aware of property lines, which are also clearly visible using modern smartphone apps, such as LandGlide, OnX, etc.

Is the BHWPA a land trust?

No. BHWPA is a Massachusetts Chapter 180 non-profit corporation operated for the primary purpose of protecting and preserving the portions of the Benton Hill Wilderness placed under its management, with a secondary goal of managing regulated recreational access to its members. Please note that parcels under lease to the BHWPA may also have conservation easements in place with other organizations, such as land trusts (i.e., leases to the BHWPA and deeds to land trusts of the same land are not mutually exclusive).

How do I become a member of BHWPA?

Those interested in becoming members of the BHWPA should submit a membership application. We expect applications to be available sometime in 2023.